Integration with the RingCentral SMS sending API

Integration with the RingCentral SMS sending API

Requirements for RingCentral SMS API integration:

1. RingCentral Premium or Ultimate subscription

As of February 17, 2022 RingCentral has changed their policy for SMS message sending and has also changed the pricing for sending/receiving SMS messages.  Please refer to the two articles below for the new policy and pricing for this service.  You are responsible for following the policy guidelines and for all charges incurred for the RingCentral SMS service.  BATS is only an interface between you and your RingCentral account, BATS is not responsible for the content of messages that you are sending, adherence to RingCentral or carrier policies, or for charges incurred on your account as a result of sending of SMS messages from BATS CRM.
  1. RingCentral SMS/ MMS content policies
  2. New SMS price changes

1.  Navigate to BATS > System Settings and enable SMS Integration, then select RingCentral from the dropdown list.

2. This feature is enable "per user", which means that some users in your company can have this feature turned On while others can have this feature turned Off.  Cost for enabling this feature is $5/month/user.  To enable the feature for a user go to User Settings, open the user's account and turn On the check box "Enable SMS Integration".

3. A message will pop up confirming that you are enabling this service for this user and are agreeing to the additional monthly charge.
4. After this feature has been enabled for the user, the user must navigate to My Account section by clicking on the white circle in the upper right corner of BATS page and clicking on My Account:

 5. On the My Account page the user must enter their RingCentral phone number and Save it, then click on "Link RingCentral" button to authorize BATS with RingCentral and establish the connection.

6. It will automatically open your browser and redirects the user to the RingCentral login window. Once it's opened, the user should log in and authorize the access for the BATS SMS App.

Now that the integration is configured you must create some SMS messages to send in your Sales Campaign or On Demand.  Follow these instructions to set up the messages and attach them to the campaign.

To create or edit an SMS message:
1. Navigate to Setup > Message Templates
2. Click "+ New" button
3. Select the type of campaign that this template will be used on in the Campaign Type field
4. Fill in the rest of the fields
5. Select "Yes" in the "This is SMS Template" field
6. Type in the body of the SMS message in the "SMS Message" field
For the complete list of merge fields that can be used in SMS messages please see this KB Article 
7. Click Save

To attach an SMS message to a Sales Campaign:
NOTE: SMS message template is treated just like any other message template, it can be attached to a Sales Campaign or sent manually
1. Navigate to Setup > Sales Campaigns
2. Open the Campaign to which you want to attach the SMS template
3. Click on "+ New" 
4. Select the SMS template from the "Then Send This Template" field
5. Add Time Delay
6. Click "Save" button

To create an SMS template to be used On Demand you will follow the same steps in the "To create or edit an SMS message" section above.

If the system attempts to send an SMS message on behalf of a user who does not have RingCentral integration enabled, then the SMS message will not be sent and will simply be skipped.  User will receive a SMS message advising them that their SMS integration is not enabled.